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About State Honey  

Honey is like wine.

We believe that honey is both amazingly beautiful and amazingly underappreciated. Honey is like wine—the nose, the palette, and the finish should have depth, intrigue, and delight. They should be paired with the right foods so that they enhance flavor and become greater than the sum of their parts, like a spice. We spend a lot of time understanding the flavor profile of each of our honeys to ensure they are paired perfectly with food and drinks.


Why we are different

As terroir influences honey each season, flavor profiles change as well - unique, rich, and non-repeatable. We want to preserve this experience so that each year brings something new. Each jar should be an experience of place and season. We celebrate this and look forward to seeing what each year will bring.

We search for honeys that are unique, delicious, and beautiful—and then we work to ensure that they stay that way. Our honeys are raw and only minimally filtered to remove large bits of pollen.

How we work with apiculturists


We specifically source honeys from apiculturists who are dedicated to the health and well-being of their bees, as well as the ecosystems where they live. This means they try to produce healthy, natural honey and use best practices to improve the well-being of their hives.

Our honeys are not 100% organic because we cannot guarantee where the bees will roam. However, the apiculturists make every effort to place the bees in a safe, pesticide-free area as much as possible. The hives travel to capture the changing seasons, but they are not used as pollinators.

Our apiculturists place the bees in organic-practice orchards or wild areas where weeds, wildflowers, and other types of trees are part of the available nectar supply for the bees at the same time. We believe this diversity in the bee’s diet is what creates such layered, unique honey, and strong, healthy colonies.

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Our Origins

I am a foodie that has tasted honey from around the world. Wherever I went, I tasted honey and bought it as souvenirs. During a trip to visit family in Mexico, I realized I had never tasted real Mexican honey; even with my husband’s knowledge of local foods and market, we had trouble finding some. It took a scavenger hunt, three states, and a bottle of tequila, but we finally found an apiculturist with the most unique, wonderful honey I had ever had. We knew it was something special that could be shared with the world. We hope to bring more honeys of this caliber to you as we grow our network of family and friends who also care deeply about good food, good practices, and great honey.

Seana Alcalá,
State Honey Curators Founder


If you have any questions about our honey, sourcing, methods, or methodology, we would love to hear from you. Please send us an email.

You can also check out our FAQ page if you would like to learn more.